5 Ravishing Skylights That You’ll Instantly Need In Your Home

I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it again (I do have a tendency to repeat myself, I know) – I flipping LOVE a skylight.

When properly selected and installed, an energy-efficient roof window helps minimise your heating, cooling, and lighting costs.

But let’s be real – that’s the boring grown-up bit.  Because a skylight provides extra lighting, more ventilation and often increased or spectacular new views. On a simple scale, they brighten up a dark area, provide atmosphere (even on a cold rainy day in November, a skylight will fill a room with more natural daylight than a simple window) and create additional living space.

But with a little creative thinking, a skylight can really change a room into something quite spectacular.

I’ve had a mooch around the interwebs, and found some properly inspiring ways of using a roof window – stand by for some serious Skylight Envy…

bedroom skylights by PlusONE | Shutterstock

Come on now. Just stop and LOOK.
Tell me you don’t want to spend an entire weekend curled up in that bedroom? With that giant roof window, the dark wood attic is immediately transformed from dark and gloomy to light, warm and spacious.
I want to live here, pleasethankyou (I bet the view outside is amazing too – you just know it, don’t you?)

lean to extension dining room By alexandre zveiger | Shutterstock

This extension is brought to light, spacious airy life with that enormous roof window. Masses of daylight flooding a long deep room, and dinner under the stairs of a summer evening. Heavenly (the rest of the renovation is just as gorgeous, to be fair…)

Bath in eaves under skylight By Photographee.eu | Shutterstock

Tucking an en-suite into a loft conversion can be tricky – but this use of a skylight means that dark tricky space under the eaves is utilised to the max, and instead of a cramped and make-do feel, that huge roof window would make it feel like an outdoor bath, wouldn’t it? Gorgeous.

skylight in a kitchen extension By sirtravelalot | Shutterstock

Oh. *swoon*
This is obviously a long flat-roofed extension – and without that astonishing roof window the lights would need to be on from the minute you got up, wouldn’t they? And I know I’m not alone in that I hate living constantly in artificial light.
but look at that gorgeous roof window – even on the wettest greyest days that’s going to fill the whole room with lovely daylight all through the kitchen. Fabulous.

Oh. My.
*swoons again*
This Walda Peiron Kitchen is astonishing, isn’t it? And I know it has a large window, but all that cosy clutter and dark wood would inevitably make the room feel dark (just like my Granny’s old kitchen when I was little, now I think of it) if it weren’t for the genius use of a great big skylight washing daylight across the room – look at the clever use of white tiles up above the stove to reflect all that gorgeous light, too.
I love it. And want to bake cakes there this weekend.

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five Ravishing Skylighst you'll imediately want in your home

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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