24hrs to win a £270 Hudl tablet & AKG Headphones bundle – Day 3 of our 10th Birthday Bash



Just lookety LOOK at todays prize from TESCO Direct. A 7″ 16GB Wi-Fi Android Hudl Tablet in Black, plus a pair of Bluetooth AKG K845BT Headphones – together worth over £270!

I know. It’s a flippin’ AWESOME bundle. I’m a bit grumpy I have to give it away, if I’m honest – we’ve had a Hudl on review for a while, and it’s a brilliant little tablet. Perfect for kids, and never lets me down with the grown up worky-type stuff too. And frankly I just *want* the headphones.

So if you fancy being the proud new owner of the Hudl and the amazing AKG BHeadphones, you just have to hit that Rafflecopter widgety thing below. As always, please answer the first three questions; you will then be able to generate more entries by completing the other, optional, entry options. The closing date for this competition is MIDNIGHT TONIGHT – 3rd July 2014 – and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winners will be the first five randomly chosen entries.

Good luck!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Catching up on my tv shows that I have missed while in bed (I spend a lot of time in bed due to ME/CFS)

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  2. Omg!! Would flipping love to win these for my son!! After all the hard work he’s put in to his gcse’s……. roll on August… results time!)

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  3. sadly Candy Crush

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  4. I would use it mostly for facebook but I would play the odd game of Plants Vs. Zombies that my little boy has got me hooked on :)

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  5. Research and shopping online as doing my house up looking for nice items online and decorating idea’s and style tips!

    Post a Reply
  6. I love frozen free fall!! its a bit addictive :)

    I would mostly use the tablet to keep in touch with family and friends from back home in Northern Ireland.
    Most of whom i only see once every 3 years xx

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  7. Would use it for reading books as would be a treat compared to dog eared pages and lovely and light weight too :-)

    Post a Reply
  8. Fantastic prize would use to surf net for more cool competitions and offers

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  9. shopping and playing candy crush

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  10. Instagram and email. Phone is just to small.

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  11. reading & facebook :)

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  12. Entering comps most probably!

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  13. Id love to watch my daughter singing frozen on you tube and with my son rapping in the back ground :)

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  14. Doing more work on the internet

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  15. entering competitions online!!!!!!!

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  16. Doing comps online and watching tv on demand

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  17. blogging and taking piccys :)

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  18. Surfing the internet.

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  19. keeping in touch with friends and comping too

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  20. i would love this, i would use it to skype my family as i miss them sooo much! also for my little girl to watch her fav show..timmy time :)

    Post a Reply
  21. I would use a Hudl for entering competitions.

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  22. Youtube for my trashy soap fix.

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  23. skipping from one social media site to another checking out the gossip :)

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  24. I would use it to catch up on reading books……..plus playing Frozen freefall!

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  25. Browsing… mostly for my eBay addiction!

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  26. honestly…… bubble which saga 2….. not honestly…..reading news paper reports lol xx

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  27. To play candy crush or bejewelled

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  28. entering comps.. I think I’d crash it with my speed but would still like to try.

    Post a Reply
  29. Shopping!! Even easier than having to turn on the PC!

    Post a Reply
  30. Entering competitions!

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  31. Shopping & comping

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  32. So I’m not the only one addicted to Frozen Freefall. Isn’t Olaf adorable in it? The odd game of Maleficent Freefall goes down well as well

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  33. Social Networking

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  34. haha for me it’s frozen freefall too :)

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  35. Apps for the kids, browsing t’net and reading :-)

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  36. I would use it for youtube

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  37. Definitely Jelly Splash & Tempole Run haha. But also email (my phone to small) and social networking

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  38. reading a magazine on it and letting my son play his games on it

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  39. Keeping up with my emails and reading books on holiday x

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  40. Instagram as the boys pinch my phone and tablet when they get in from school

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  41. More than likely use it for a bit of online spending #shopaholic

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