10 Days of #FunAt40 with ELC – No.8 is ‘Hop Along Giraffe’

It’s Day 8 of our ELC Fun at 40 campaign, and today’s prize is this unbelievably cute Hop Along Giraffe. Possibly even cuter than the Bunny. I *want*.


Your little one will love the bouncy Hop Along Giraffe! They can climb onto the its back and bounce up and down, holding on to the ears or antlers for support. Great for getting your toddler moving, the Hop Along Giraffe will build their strength through active play. Your little one can jump around outdoors in the fresh air and race against their friends, or guide the giraffe through exciting obstacle courses.

So how to win the unbelievably cute Hop Along Giraffe? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Fab prize my little one would have hours of fun on this xx

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  2. We are going to Blackpool this Friday, we go every year & the kids love it, so much to see & do no matter what the weather :-D

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  3. Just read your synopsis lol. Well unless we get somebody willing to look after our useless Dog for a weekend we will be staying home this summer.

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  4. This is so cute, My little one would love this x

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  5. With 8 Cats and a Dog were just looking forward to chilling on the balcony!. Dxx

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  6. We are going to Greece then Amsterdam

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  7. We are having a stay-cation this year! Husband has two weeks off and I think we will just do odd day trips and sort our garden/house out the rest of the time

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  8. Just the back garden this summer!

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  9. Camping in the Brecon Beaacons for us this year.

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  10. We’re just going to southport but it’s lovely :) x

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  11. Love the giraffe and so will my little girl

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  12. We are off to butlins the day my 4year old breaks up for the 6weeks holiday.

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  13. Just ourgate again this year, we don’t mind though

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  14. We are having a gool old British holiday in Weymouth this year. Hopefully it will be as good as a holiday abroad

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  15. Camping trip to Devon :)

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  16. We’ll be going to a pet friendly holiday park. We couldn’t leave the poor pooch behind. :)

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  17. We are going to have a few days in Devon. Currently pregnant with #2, so dont want to stray too far from home.

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  18. We aren’t having a holiday but will be doing lots of lovely day trips with our boy, such as visiting the Lake District and to the beach at Blackpool.

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  19. We live beside to sea in glorious Wales, so this year we’re exploring the countryside around us and visiting some local attractions.

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  20. I went to Florida in April so no holidays in the Summer, Lanzarote in Decemeber for some winter sun though! :)

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  21. This year we’ve decided on a staycation. We’re having a week in London for the children to see the sights and then a week at the seaside in West Wales x

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  22. We are having a 4 day short stay in Torquay. Can’t afford more, but we don’t go abroad as i have Crohn’s, and if it plays up i prefer to be somewhere i know! The boys are just happy on the beach.

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  23. We are staying at home for the summer, having Day trips here and there but we have a caravan holiday booked for October holidays :)

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  24. Discovering all local parks and beaches.

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  25. No money, no holiday :(

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  26. We will be staying here this year just doing day trips to the coast x

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  27. We have recently been to Florida, so no more holidays this year!

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  28. No holiday for us this year ????

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  29. Come back from Austria yesterday so no plans for the rest of the year just days out

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  30. We are going to Brean in Somerset this year and taking the dog, we have a touring caravan.

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  31. We have just booked days out and theme parks around the UK. Best with small babies x

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  32. We are currently only going to ourgate this year! With a baby on the way and a few diy jobs we decided it was the best option. We are planning a family trip to Malta next year though :)

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  33. family camping trip to devon

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  34. We’re going on holiday to our own back garden this year! Hopefully we can get somewhere more exotic next year

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  35. We’ve just come back from Spain, depressed now so planning a caravan trip to the Lake District for the summer hols :D

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  36. We went away in March and are going again in December, so the Summer will just be day trips :)

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  37. We going to stay in a yurt in Somerset in a few weeks.. Then new forest.. A one week adventure! :-)

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  38. Nothing planned yet – long lazy days in the garden with family!

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  39. My son turns 6 this summer then a week later my daughter turns 9 so party time this summer

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  40. Not big planned- a fe weekends away and maybe four days in SanFrancisco!

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  41. France staying in our own chateau …… alright then our own ancient tent!

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  42. We are taking our little man camping in Weymouth for his 2nd birthday

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  43. Fab prize, my 19 month old would love this! We are off to butlins in a few weeks for our holiday :) xx

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  44. We are going to Caerlaverock for a couple of nights in Scotland to a wetland centre. Very much looking forward to it.

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  45. We have had a brill week in France, and now we hope to nab a weeks camping too.

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  46. We’ve just come back from Menorca for my Father in-laws 60th with the whole family!! It was such a special holiday :-)

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  47. No plans as little one is only a month old and our first!

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  48. Hopefully off to Scotland.

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  49. Nothing booked yet. But probably end up going to Blackpool

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  50. Looking forward to Flanders in August

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  51. Ill be going Rhyl in Wales. :)

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  52. We are off to Cornwall

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  53. Enjoying quality time with loved ones, wherever we are

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  54. We are getting married in Aug, hoping for a couple of nights in Cornwall afterwards without the kiddies!

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  55. staying at home this year just planing some days out :)

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  56. Camping with the whole family at Cheddar Gorge in Somerset – hoping for fine weather.

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  57. It’s usually Wales (where we go regularly) but this year we’re all off to Spain for a wedding.

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  58. We usually go abroad but this year we are staying in the UK and doing a little tour after realising our kids have seen more of other countries than they have of their home land!

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  59. Cheap and cheerful camping in North Wales , love it xx

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  60. We are staying put this August will be the first time in years that we will have all of my mums side of the family in one place at one time!

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  61. Off to Blackpool for a couple of days, then days out up the North Wales coast, a day at Alton Towers, and plenty of activity and walking days phew lol x

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  62. Decorating the nursery ready for the little one who is due in October.

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  63. Camping in the Lake District

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  64. we have booked a cottage in cornwall, hope the weather will be nice though

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  65. No holiday for us this year :( We can’t afford it

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  66. Wont be going anywhere this year, still not brave enough to go far with my two bubbas <3

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  67. We are taking a trip to Cbeebies land for my youngest son’s 4th Birthday in July!

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  68. We re going to spend the time in the uk but do lots of family dayd out.

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  69. Just a couple of weekends away in the uk, hope the sun stays shining!

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  70. We are staying home this year as baby due soon :)

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  71. no holidays for us, will be spending time in the garden

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  72. Going to Greece for two weeks the kids cant wait :)

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  73. We’ve already been – we went to Devon! It was lovely :-)

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  74. Not going on holiday this year

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  75. Off to cornwall for sun and surfing!

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  76. Camping in Canterbury. Lots if castles nearby and plenty of beaches

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  77. nothing much planned, probably a few days away with grandparents

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  78. I went to Devon with my daughter and little granddaughter, she loved throwing stones into the sea!

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  79. We’re off to Malta… but not until September, can’t wait!!!

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  80. we arent going anywhere this year x

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  81. Nothing booked this year to save money but hopefully will have some nice family days out x

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  82. Nowhere exotic booked as due to give birth in 3 weeks!! :). We will be travelling to visit our families though so they can meet our new arrival :)

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  83. Only an overnight stay in Stratford up Avon

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  84. Staycassion due to lack of funds

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  85. We are going over to my parents holiday home on the Isle of Arran!

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  86. We will be taking our caravan to Anglesey at the start of the school holidays.

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  87. A nice week at my sis in laws, then camping at Loch Lomond :) a staycation

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  88. Just come back from Wales and loved it so much we are now going to South Wales in September.

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  89. We are going to Bridlington!! Our favourite place!

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  90. We are off to Florida this summer :-)

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  91. We have trips booked for Cadbury’s World & The Harry Potter Studio Tour, & are also planning a day trip to Southend, & the local Zoo. Can’t wait, think I’m more excited than the kids, lol.

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  92. South Wales for us.

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  93. we are just staying at home, we might head off to the local beach though

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  94. Nothing this year but off to Florida next September only 454 days to go, not like I’m counting ;-)

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  95. We’re kind of playing it by ear this summer – we’re going camping for the weekend in a couple of weeks to Derbyshire but apart from that I’m not really sure what the plans are!

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  96. We haven’t booked a holiday but are going to have lots of days out to Littlehampton, Brighton, London.

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    • We have six weeks and going to Cornwall for a week and redo our house, which we bought in January :-)

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  97. nothing planned yet-depends how much money I save!

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  98. Hopefully Lanzarote later in the year

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  99. We have alrady been To Jersey and hopt to visit The Gower in Wales in late July or August.

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  100. were going to the same place we go to every year, the in laws caravan in tywyn!

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  101. a mini break in Camber Sands

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  102. Our family holiday will be in October to Great Yarmouth, staying in a caravan.

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  103. We are having a stay-cation this year, with little trips out.

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  104. Ive got nothing plan, haven’t got enough money this year but hopefully next year my family and i will go to Tenerife

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  105. We’re staying at home and doing DIY!!

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  107. Our little one is only 11 months so we are taking a short break to Ireland by ferry rather than heading somewhere exotic. It is a beautiful country and takes away the stresses of flying. Hopefully the sun will be shining!

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  108. we plan to take our lo to parks and have picnics

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  109. We have booked a family adventure holiday in Normandy

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  110. I’m off to argate again this year

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  111. We saved very hard last year and managed to take our 3 girls on a trip to Turkey. All inclusive, it was so indulgent!! It does mean the rest of the year will be spent frugally at home! ;-)

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  112. Not booked anything yet but enjoying all this english sunshine we have been having very much!

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  113. Unfortunately no holidays this year :(. This time last year we were just arriving in Alcudia, I feel all sad now lol x

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  114. we are going to Portmeirion in Wales nest week

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  115. Nothing planned yet, but it will be somewhere with our tent.

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  116. we’ll be going to the family caravan in wales and also have a trip to legoland planned

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  117. We haven’t booked anywhere, but I don’t think I can cope with a 7 and a 27 mth old, I’m getting a headache just thinking about it!

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  118. off camping in Cornwall with the kids cant wait :)

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  119. The new centre parcs at woburn, so excited!

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  120. A whole week in Wales :) Can’t wait actually lol

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  121. we’re off to a log cabin in keilder forest

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  122. we just got back from an amazing holiday to mexico!!

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  123. Got a week in Cornwall St. Ives to look forward to :-)

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  124. We are off to sunny Dorset to stay with some friends :-)

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  125. We are going to Somerset for a week

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  126. we want to stay in UK this year why not the weather is great are going to try visiting Cornwall with the family x

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  127. we’re off to wales for a couple days

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  128. We’re all going to Iran. All the children, in-laws and grandchildren. Sixteen of us – may need to charter a plane!

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  129. staying at home in beautiful Scotland

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  130. Nothing booked yet, but hoping to go abroad in the Autumn.

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  131. I’m touring Cornwall in the sunshine. Can’t wait!

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  132. No where for us this year as we’ve just moved house maybe a nice day out somewhere

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  133. We went to Staiths in Yorkshire with our 2 young grandsons at Easter. It is where Old Jack’s Boat is filmed. Brilliant for kids and relaxing for adults too.

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  134. Going to stay local this year and take the kids to some local attractions, nothing better than your own bed at the end of a long day

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  135. A wedding and family over from Australia this Summer

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  136. We haven’t booked to go anywhere this summer yet, but hoping to get a last minute deal somewhere nice and warm at the end, just before the kids have to go back to school!

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  137. We have had our holiday this year,we went on a cruise around the British Isles.

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  138. Glamping in Northumbria with my 5 year old and 5 month old!

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  139. we are staying here, off to drayton manor, and a week away camping to wales :)

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  140. A Weekend In August in Alton Towers with the kids – so excited…..(me not them, they don’t know yet)

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  141. South West France to spend time with the kids grandparents and husbands little sister and her family who all live there, both Nan and Grandad are turning 75 this year so big party in August <3

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  142. We’re not going anywhere this summer. But we do have a holiday to Norfolk in October to look forward to.

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  143. We are spending a week with my best friend and family, who have very kindly offered us this break near Chester. Can not wait.

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  144. We are going to Skegness Butlins

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  145. staying at home this year

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  146. 4 weeks to Paris with the kids to visit family

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  147. Paris this August

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  148. Not sure about a holiday but we will definetly be visiting the zoo this summer

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  149. No proper holiday for us this year but we’ll be going to visit family in Poland.

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  150. Not going anywhere yet but maybe planning a weekend in Barcelona later in the year

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  151. We recently went to Dorset and managed to see lots of sun. Otherwise we are at home for the summer

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  152. Not going anywhere this year as the baby is expensive haha! i will be visiting my mum in harrogate for a week or so though, its lovely up there.

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  153. we are having an extended family holiday to spain.

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  154. Staycation, but Tatton Park & Buxton for days out.

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  155. not going away, but will be spending some days at my local beach

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  156. A day trip or two to the beach.

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  157. Going to have days we are going to join the children from our local children’s centre on a day out to the seaside and we are also planning on having a few more days out over the summer as well as going to parent and toddler groups and then we will be jetting off to Majorca in September.

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  158. The Peak District in August, with about 28 friends & family, can’t wait!

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  159. The beautiful Lake District for me this year!!

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  160. visiting family in edinburgh

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  161. Going to folkstone for a long weekend with the family for my sister in laws wedding

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  162. Nothing planned yet but likely going on a few day trips at home, along the scenic North Antrim coastline & visit Mussenden Temple & grounds, Portrush, The Giants Causeway, Carrick A Rede Rope bridge, Bushmills Distillery & Dunluce Castle along the way.

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  163. Unfortunately, I’ll be staying at home.

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  164. just to the seaside which is only 10 miles away for us, we cant afford to go any further! we pack a nnice picnic though

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  165. We are off on a cruise around the Western Med this summer, its going to be great fun… but HOT!!!

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  166. if we can afford to go on hols we would be going camping but not sure ye,we hope so

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  167. we have a lot of weddings this summer, always lovely to catch up with friends and family. We also have a little getaway planned to Dorset in aug. Counting down the days x

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  168. We don’t do Summer holidays as I don’t enjoy paying high prices and big crowds! We went to France in May and are going in October too.

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  169. We went to Tenerife in January at the beginning of this year, which was some very welcome sunshine in the midst of all the winter storms and flooding in Britain! Next trip booked is Switzerland to stay in the Alps, can’t wait :)

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  170. Not going anywhere this summer!

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  171. Nowhere planned as of yet, will prob be a last min decision camping somewhere

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  172. No holidays I’m afraid but lots of fun family days out :D x

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  173. Cycling holiday this year! can’t wait x

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  174. We haven’t anything booked. Will probably do day/weekend trips to Blackpool, Safari park etc :)

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  175. I will be at home but will go on walks in the country.

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  176. already had a big holiday early in the year, so only a few weekends away with family planned

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  177. I’m not going anywhere :( But I might be moving house! :D

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  178. centerparcs

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  179. We are moving house so won’t be able to afford a holiday, just be having a few days out

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  180. we are planning to go on holiday for the new Year so are saving up for that. Hoping for a weekend away in the summer somewhere theme park based!

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  181. Holiday Village in Paphos, Cyprus

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  182. No holiday this year but I have my eldest little girls 3rd birthday in august and my youngest little girls 1ST birthday in September I hope to be out and about on trips now the weathers better

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  183. nothing planned, but we do live near loch ness , so some sitting on the banks of the loch in the summer sun is a must do :)

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  184. Weve just returned from a week at haven in pwhelli, cant beat haven with young children as there is so much for them to do. Its our 3rd year at hafan y mor. Booked our holiday for next year to haven but in yorkshire, nr filey

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  185. Nothing in the Summer as we have a short break to Belfast booked later in the year.

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  186. we’ve already had our summer holiday, we took the children to Amsterdam and the sun shone the whole time!

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  187. Nothing booked yet – hoping to pick up a last minute deal

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  188. we’ve just returned from 2 weeks in Cabo Verde and a lovely weekend in Blackpool. No plans for the rest of the summer yet – just going to wing it.

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  189. We’re going to Huntingdon Race Course for a long weekend but not for any racing. Long story! We might try to camp somewhere near there for a while too.

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  190. We have no plans to go away this year, hopefully we will get some nice weather and just have some fun times at home :)

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  191. we are going to explore more of the UK we haven’t been to yet

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  192. Dubai to visit my best friend

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  193. We are off to Cornwall in August for our annual trip. Can’t wait!!

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  194. Lyme Regis in Dorset!

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  195. had a spring holiday instead so stuck in blighty

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  196. No firm arrangements but searching through last minute deals to one of the Greek islands!

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  197. We are going to Camp Bestival with our two girls. Can’t wait, it is so much fun there.

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  198. cant afford to go away, but really lucky to have Bournemouth beach and the new forest on my doorstep

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  199. Going to stay in a lodge in a forest. Only an hour from home, but can’t wait.

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  200. Nothing booked yet but hoping to visit London and have a few more days out :)

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  201. Love good old english seaside planning some trips different places short breaks and day visits.

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  202. A few days out – Looking forward to going to West Midlands Safari Park!

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  203. Recovering from an operation, so enjoying the garden with the children :)

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  204. We’re going to South West France to spend some quality time at my sisters, my parents live there too and they’re both turning 75 this year so we’ll also have a huge party for them in August :)

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  205. Nothing inspiring unfortunately, need to watch the pennies. We are however going to Manchester for a weekend to meet up with some friends we haven’t seen for a while

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  206. my little boy starts school in September so we took advantage of our last break outside school holidays and went to cornwall last week – didn’t see a cloud all week – beautiful

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  207. We’re off to Edinburgh, maybe somewhere on a plane next year !

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  208. We’re off for our first family holiday as a 4 with our 1 and 2 year olds to Camber Sands, East Sussex in July. Hoping the weather stays great.

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  209. We’ve just had a second baby so may not go far. There’s a lovely hotel called the Manor House in Co Fermanagh which is on the lake & so beautiful, we might give that a visit.

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  210. Its stopaton i’m afraid, for this year but we will hopefully have some lovely picnics in the local park with the kids and dogs.

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  211. Have booked a long weekend in Weymouth at the beginning of August with the Grandchildren

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  212. our usual trip to sunny wales!

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  213. I`ve won a holiday to the Dominican republic =so thats where im off to

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  214. home sweet home this year, times are hard, hope the sun shines on us here!

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  215. I wish I could help inspire but I’m struggling to get the twins daddy to take any time off work

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  216. hopefully just some sunny days in the garden

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  217. We have booked to go away to France and are even more excited because we have got our doggy his own passport!! We hated leaving him last year and couldn’t bare to do it again :)

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  218. unfortunately no where…we just cant afford it this year

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  219. Will be taking our little girl to the caravan in Skegness in July and then off to Punta Cana in the Dominican in September.

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  220. We’re going down to Dorset for a week in our caravan.

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  221. Not too far this year as we have a 11 week old baby but will be taking his sister to peppa pig world and staying overnight!

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  222. I’m in Glasgow and can’t travel too far from home so going to Ayrshire next month for the weekend lol xx

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  223. Nothing planned yet, waiting to see what my bank balance looks like

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  224. going to forest of dean next week with my grandaughter x cant wait!

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  225. No summer plans but we have just come back from sunny Devon and Somerset

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  226. Not booked anything yet, but hopefully in the next few weeks, fingers crossed

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  227. nothing planned as yet…hope to visit family down south and perhaps visit the south coast at the same time :)

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  228. Spain. First holiday abroad with my 2 year old.

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  229. Clacton on Sea this year with friends and kids

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  230. A long weekend to celebrate a significant birthday is planned!

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  231. My littlies would love this!

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  232. Caravan on North Wales in August

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  233. 2 weeks in Mexico! I can’t wait!

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  234. Don’t think I’ll be going away anywhere this year as my job situation is uncertain at the mo, so will just stick around home & sort out the garden.

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  235. Got no plans just going to see where the mood takes ?

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  236. Not booked yet, but possibly Blackpool. As not been there for years.

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  237. hubby will be working so i shall be meeting up with my best friend and her children and we plan to have days out together, such as beaches. parks and museums

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    • We are going to a lovely town in the Lake District called Silloth. You can not beat fresh sea air, chips in the wrapper on the beach and playing in the amusements. It is a lovely place that is both child friendly and dog friendly x

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  238. It’s going to be a staycation for us :(

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  239. We’ve not booked anything, looks like it’s going to be good old Blighty for us (Aka the back garden)

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  240. we’re staying home this summer

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  241. Edinburgh for a family history tour with the family.

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  242. I’m celebrating a special birthday in August so the summer holidays are filled with celebrations. We’re having a holiday in Norfolk, then hubby and I are off on a weekend in Stratford Upon Avon and finally I’m going on a Murder Mystery weekend with my girlfriends. Add to that a nice family meal and a day out with a good friend to the Warner Bros Studio Tour. I can’t wait! #excitedmuchly

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  243. I had a 10 might break to orlando at the start of june so nothing else planned for me for the rest of the year :(

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  244. Ill be having a staycation in London!

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  245. I am taking the kids to Rhyl for a week in August with all the family! Already booked the train trip up snowdon – my son is very excited by this

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  246. Not going away this year as baby due in July so saving all of my pennies!

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  247. Taking my boys to lego land!!!!

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  248. Bournemouth, we go every year. It’s so peaceful

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  249. not going to spend the money on a holiday while my girls are still young, just going to spend summer going on lots of nice days out they can enjoy :)

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  250. Nowhere far this year as we have a newborn baby girl, but lots of visits around the country to visit family and plenty of trips to the zoo and parks :)

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  251. nowhere this year as im heavily pregnant, we live at the seaside though so lots of trips to the beach, zoo etc are in order xx

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  252. we’re going to berwick this year :)

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  253. We went on a family holls to Norfolk.x

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  254. Weston Super Mare – sun, sea, sand, donkeys, candy floss. Brilliant.

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  255. Would love to go camping with our kids but it will all depends on the weather….fingers crossed :-)

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  256. We are going to Newquay this year. We are camping which I’m not keen on but I’m looking forward to days at the beach with our 4 children & maybe go to St Ives for a day as I love it there too. I’ll need a holiday to recover from the camping though

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  257. No plans taking it day by day

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  258. I’m off on a fortnight to my mothers by the seaside….. to do some decorating and gardening :-(

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  259. No airports for us this year – just don’t fancy the hustle and bustle. A beautiful cottage in Yorkshire awaits us – really looking forward to it.

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  260. Camping in Kent!!

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  261. Camping in Cornwall

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  262. spending time with my mum xx

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  263. Nowhere planned as of yet, but a few day trips out for the family.x

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  264. We’re staying with family this year and planning a few days out

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  265. Off for a week in Padstow – this weekend!!! eeeee

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  266. We haven’t got anything booked either!

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  267. Good Scottish place – hamelldaeme

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  268. We are staying in the UK and having a week in a caravan in Polzeath, Cornwall.

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  269. No holiday this year – unless we win the lottery!

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  270. We are just going to pack up the tent and see where we land

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  271. No plans yet, waiting for surgery :(

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  272. going to great yarmouth love it

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  273. Getting married in Sept so will be going on honeymoon but haven’t decided where yet. :)

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  274. No holiday plans but lots of fun days out with my gorgeous grandsons

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  275. My husband and I are taking my half sister and brother to Crete as they have never had a proper summer holiday.

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  276. we have been went to grand Canaria but come six weeks hols may have a few days out

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  277. Camping hopefully, weather permitting

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  278. We have just welcomed a new addition to our family so probably won’t be venturing far this summer, although we may take a long weekend a few hours away if we feel up to it.

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  279. our eldest son is getting married in Malta in early July It will be the first time in 3 years that all our children and grandchildren will be together

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  280. camping in Wales or Lancashire

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  281. No money for holidays this year, so having some day trips with the family instead

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  282. Already been to Sunrise festival. Now I am just a bit too pregnant so staying close to home.

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  283. We have already had our holiday. We went to disney world Florida. It was the best holiday ever!!!!!

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  284. Just back from a lovely break in Devon

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  285. Just chilling with my grand kids

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  286. I am just going to great yarmouth as I missed my holiday this year to egypt as was really poorly with morning sickness with my baby to be x

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  287. Anywhere I can afford. Maybe just the windowsill this year …..

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  288. Been already to lanzarote first time kids been abroad had fab time

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  289. Going to the seaside on friday :)

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  290. We went to Majorca last week x

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  291. We’re off to Greece in September – can’t wait!

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  292. Not going anywhere dont think moneys tight with a 6 month old! but planning a day out to a zoo :)

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  293. Hoping to book a cruise to celebrate out 30th wedding anniversary, can’t believe that time flies by so quickly :-)

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  294. We’ve nothing booked yet, but I would like to get away somewhere nice and warm, wouldn’t mind going to Turkey this year x

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  295. Staying home on the Isle of Wight enjoying all the beaches xx

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  296. We are getting married next month and oir having a family honeymoon in france in september

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  297. we’ve just come back from Bologna – amazing!! We are off to my folks caravan in July then to Ireland with my parents in September – busy busy x

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  298. We are going camping with lots of friends.

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  299. Sherwood Forest in September

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  300. I’m so excited, we are off to Malta this year :) :)

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  301. Pregnant and due in September so won’t be going far. Just a short camping trip to North Devon (I live in South Devon!)

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  302. walking in the Lake District

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  303. We have no summer holidays planned for this year :(

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  304. I’d like to go to Helsinki, cos I’ve never been to Scandinavia. Maybe…

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  305. I’m glamping in a van on a farm in Pembrokshire so hopefully will see a lot of very cute little cows ;)

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  306. I’m taking 14 of my students on a conservation expedition through the rain forests of Indonesia. Terrified is an understatement!

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  307. I am going to visit my family in Gloucester. It will be my dad’s 60th in August.

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  308. not booked anything yet :)

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  309. No where booked at the moment but probably going down to Hants to visit family

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  310. Unfortunately looks like this year we are staying at home, hopefuly we will be off somewhere nice next year

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  311. We are spending a weekend at vienna – just a little bit of sight seeing. It’s a beautiful town.

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  312. Disneyland Paris – my daughter is so excited !

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  313. no not booked anything x

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  314. I work in the tourist industry so summer hols are a NO, hoping to get 2 days off together for a trip to Whitby. If the weather stays nice, the kids are more than happy with the paddling pool in the back garden thou

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  315. No Holiday plans this year :( but we are going to see Pearl Jam!! woooop!! xx

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  316. waiting for my passport so no plans at the moment

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  317. not been on holybobs since i was 15! (i’m 41 now) but have a lovely over night trip to glasgow with my daughter to see saturdaynight takeaway live in aug (just the 2 of us having a girly trip) followed a few days later with a family trip to chester zoo with me, my fiance, both our kids, our son in law and our grandson – for my fiance & our grandsons birthday :)

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