10 Days of #FunAt40 with ELC – No.7 is ‘My First Slide’

It’s Day 7 of our ELC Fun at 40 campaign, and today’s prize is ‘My First Slide’. Oh the giddy excitement of climbing all the way up there for the first time!


Easy to assemble, durable and safe, the My First Slide is great as a first slide for little adventurers, and is small enough for indoor use. Exciting without being scary, little ones will love whizzing down this little slide, while the large chunky hand rails give a good grip and the slip-resistant steps keep little feet steady as they climb. When not in use, the slide easily folds to be stored away for another day.

So how to win the fabulous ‘My First Slide’? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Unfortunately I don’t have a garden but daisies remind me of summer, sitting making daisy chain’s as a kid for everyone in the family :-)

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  2. My climbing honeysuckle

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  3. I’m so lucky – we just moved & we have peonies

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  4. I have a beautiful white rose bush

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  5. carnations and love-in-the-mist

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  6. We have some lovely mixtures of poppies in a pot :-)

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  7. I don’t have a favourite flower in my garden – I love them all :)

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  8. We seem to have a garden that wouldn’t look out of place in Jumanji or Jurassic Park! Don’t know if weeds count… ;)

    I do like lavender though.

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  9. We love seeing the daffodils spring into life! My children get so excited as they know it signifies longer, warmer days playing out!

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  10. I love fuchsias – they are so colourful, delicate and pretty.

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  11. roses it always me feel like summer is here

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  12. Lil man and I have attempted to grow Sunflowers this year so he is super excited to go out to the garden and check xxxx

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  13. I love my honeysuckle. Not only does it look pretty it smells gorgeous too.

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  14. I love sunflowers. They are lovely & bright & really remind me of summer.

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  15. Our pretty sweet peas climbing up the trellis!

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  16. Tulips are my favourites

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  17. Peonies are my favorite, I love the colour x

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  18. “Pink Passion” lillies, in pots outside my French windows

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  19. Daisy’s because my Son likes to pick them for me as a present.

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  20. I love bluebells. They remind me of mystical meadows. :)

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  21. Peonies. I love them and they’re going to be my wedding flowers x

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  22. Lillies and lavender are my faves but I have some beautiful lupine in the garden at the moment :)

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  23. Love daisy’s , when the sunshine comes out so do they are so pretty x

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  24. Just what my little boy wants fingers crossed ?

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  25. Sweet Peas because they smell SO lovely!!!

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  26. Sunflowers. A little sunshine in my garden

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  27. Don’t have a garden but love tulips x

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  28. Stocks the smell is just gorgeous

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  29. I love pansies, we have lots of lovely colours this year

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  30. My scented roses :-)

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  31. Sweet peas are lovely :)

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  32. Definitely honeysuckle brings back childhood memories as it grew round my bedroom window at my parents

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  33. Sunflowers or just the average little daisies so we can make daisy chains!

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  34. Daisies so me and my daughters make Daisy chains

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  35. I know when the ceanothus turns blue that summer isn’t too far away.

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  36. I love Dahlia’s ~ there are so many different varieties and they are all beautiful!

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  37. Sunflowers – I love to see how tall I can grow them!!

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  38. My passion flower. It adores the sun.

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  39. Tulips are my favourite and look so pretty and colourful in our garden

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  40. I love daisy type flowers, my favourites are Osteospermum

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  41. Roses – we have a rose bush in the garden which is almost blooming now and it looks beautiful when the flowers are out

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  42. I love tulips and bleeding hearts, all flowers are so beautiful and make everything seem so much brighter :)

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  43. At the moment, we have an evening primrose in flower which is lovely

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  44. my giant daisies

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  45. When my tulips started popping up love them

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  46. We are starting to grow straberries and tomatoes but I love the flowers that bloom before they grow!

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  47. My rose bushes as they were all gifts from hubby

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  48. Freesias – they smell lovely – always brings a smile to my face

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  49. have done lots of containers this year

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  50. In spring it’s the daffodils then during the summer I love the scented roses.

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  51. I love my roses, my pride and joy!

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  52. The roses – we’ve got all sorts and they’ve gone bonkers this year!!

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  53. Sunflowers, my son and i plant some every year to see who can grow the tallest

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  54. I love watching our apple tree and its pinky-white blooms turn into tiny apples.

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  55. Sunflower’s – they rule, always so bright & happy! :)

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  56. The mock orange sounds lovely, I will have to get some of them! I love to see the sunflowers, so bright and vibrant.x

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  57. I love Sunflowers :)

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  58. Sweet William just perfect

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  59. Poppies. We have several types and they are all lovely, but esp the orange ones this year.

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  60. Old fashioned tea roses

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  61. Snapdragons – they are so colourful in every shade imaginable, fun for children and seem to flower where I can’t remember plating them!

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  62. I havent got any flowers in my garden as nothing will grow, which is sad. My fave flower is the lily though

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  63. rose – as it is my middle name, and my mums first name!

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  64. We only have two flowers in our garden – roses and daffodils. Love them both

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  65. fuchsias, such intricate beauty

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  66. This looks amazing very bright and looks so much fun

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  67. There’s a beautiful red rose bush that grows in our front garden. Bertha, who owned the house before us adored it, and I feel very responsible for it and feel like I owe it to her to keep it beautiful. The scent is incredibly sweet too.

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  68. Bluebells, they start the whole garden first then die off and the main flowers come through. Roses being my second favourite

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  69. my favorite is my fuschia bush i love the flowers and my mum used to say the flowers are like little ballerinas

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  70. Sweet Peas are my favourites the scent and the vast array of colours well it speaks for it self really

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  71. My veronica, wonderful upright spires of blues that the bees and butterflies love.

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  72. My roses are gorgeous, but there’s also tiny little blue flowers that grow in random places, don’t know what they’re called but they are gorgeous :)

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  73. I love sweet peas…they have a great fragrance and remind me of my lovely late Nan :)

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  74. my son’s have planted a pot each of wild flowers, they are just starting to bloom & so pretty esp the poppies

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  75. My faves are sweetpeas

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  76. We have a large hydrangea at the end of our garden, I adore the blue colour, they are just about to bloom now :)

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  77. I love me daffodils make me think of my late mum fond memories and roses for my late partner always bought me them.

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  78. I love fuschias so dainty and pretty!

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  79. Sweetpeas are lovely, such a beautiful scent as well

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  80. Love it when my butterfly plant flowers :)

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  81. I love Sunflowers :)

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  82. Clematis at the moment

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  83. Sun flowers are gorgeous i love em x

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  84. I love roses, it’s a must have in my garden!

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  85. Don’t have any flowers in our garden, but my favourite garden flower is a pink peony x

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  86. The gorgeous Dahlia and it’s vibrant colours makes me feel happy :)

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  87. Sob sob, haven’t got a garden, but my Aloe Vera plant reminds me to watch out for harmful sun rays

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  88. My lovely bush of orange Honeysuckle under and around my kitchen window. I see the flowers every morning and they cheer me up

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  89. Marigold is my favourite summer flower. They come in so many different shades now. They are so beautiful

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  90. red roses, i am currently growing some and they look fab

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  91. Night Scented Stock. The scent at night is beautiful xx

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  92. Roses

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  93. love roses they smell fab in the summer garden

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  94. At the moment my passion flower is in bloom, i love it but no perfume, so i will say Petunias as the scent is beautiful.

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  95. Fuschias, i think its the only thing that has withstanded the kids standed on it lol

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  96. We have loads of sunflowers looking gorgeous!

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  97. I actually really like daisies.

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  98. Completely agree with you on the Mock Orange. I have a large Mock Orange in my garden and when it flowers it smells divine, especially in the evenings. Sadly it’s blossoms have all started to go in the last week.

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  99. sunflowers are lovely :)

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  100. We don’t really have plants, we grow fruit and veg. But I love Roses.

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  101. Sunflowers! The kids have a competition who can get the tallest!!

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  102. At our house we have loads of pansies and so it has to be those!

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  103. Not flowers as such, but my kids love the daisys, buttercups and dandelions that grow in our garden

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  104. Summers here when my strawberry plants begin to flower

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  105. Our little toddler loves to pick daisies so it has to be them.

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  106. We don’t have a garden, I love roses though

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  107. The only flowers in my garden are Daisy’s so it would have to be Daisy’s

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  108. my beautiful red poppies.x

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  109. We have some lovely purple poppy’s in our garden.

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  110. Buttercups, that and even though i’m not sure if they count dandilions, sadly these are the only things that grow in my poor garden :(

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  111. Roses, and petunias in my planters

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  112. Sunflowers!

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  113. I love Fusias

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  114. I love daisies and buttercups as my daughter gets so excited when she sees them, her whole face lights up

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  115. Pink roses always make me smile

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  116. The lilies @garywasabi

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  117. Pink Gerberas. I had them as my wedding flowers x

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  118. The first flowers of the year, snowdrops

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  119. Where I live in sheltered accommodation we have a special red rose called Remembrance.It is cherished by us all.

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  120. Tulips cos it’s spring and all the nice weather is ahead of you :)

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  121. My garden only has weeds…..I don’t now what it’s called but there was a very pretty purple one in bloom last month

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  122. Roses, my dad grows beautiful ones every year!

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  123. My favourite summer flower is the lily. The colours are so rich and they are really majestic.

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  124. Sunflowers, my dad grew them for me when I was little

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  125. Buttercups, and what a glorious sight they are this year

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  126. My favourite summer flowers are peonies

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  127. We have four lovely sunflowers! They really brighten up the place so they are my favourite.

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  128. The sunflowers the kids have grown.

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  129. I love sunflowers. they make me smile :)

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  130. It’s always daisies for me. Simple yet beautiful.

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  131. Sweet peas, looks beautiful and smell amazing.

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  132. Sunflowers – apparently they’re the only thing that I don’t manage to kill off

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  133. My favourite flower at the moment is tied between flowering lavender and lobelia just beautiful

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  134. Sunflower always remaind me of summer time

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