10 Days of #FunAt40 with ELC – No.4 is a Hop Along Rabbit

It’s Day 4 of our ELC Fun at 40 campaign, and today’s prize is the amazingly cute ride-on Hop Along Rabbit. We LOVE him!



Your little one will love the bouncy Hop Along Rabbit: hop onto the giant rabbit’s back and bounce up and down and all around.

This ride-on rabbit is a great way to get your toddler moving through active play, making it a fun way of getting some exercising and building strength. Play outdoors in the fresh air and race against friends, or guide the bunny through obstacle courses.

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So how to win the Hop Along Rabbit? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Jerk chicken for me

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  2. Lincolnshire sausage :)

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  3. Lovely sausages handmade by Kernow Sausages in Cornwall yum, yum xx

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  4. Corn on the cob with loads of butter x

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  5. Good steak with garlic butter

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  6. Just a plain hotdog for me!!

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  7. Hot dogs or burgers for me, with lots of ketchup

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  8. tandoori chicken for my family

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  9. Hot dog with tomato sauce sometimes with cheese yummy

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  10. chicken kebabs, yum!

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  11. Veggie burger with salad and mayo.

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  12. Veggie sausage – plenty of mustard & ketchup

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  13. Peri Peri Chicken Skewers, tasty!

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  14. Homemade lamb mince kebabs with fresh garden herbs

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  15. I love burgers off the BBQ, with cheese and a big spoon of homemade coleslaw!!!!!

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  16. Whole salmon wrapped in newspaper if we’re feeling fancy or good ole burgers and sausages if not :-)

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  17. Love Baked potatoes & marshmallows on the bbq

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  18. Veggie burger – but I’m more the person who does the accompanying salad, and I love a fresh, summery tabbouleh.

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  19. Veggie cheese burgers

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  20. Sweet chilli chicken kebabs

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  21. Mmm, marinated chicken in a bun, with loads of salad :)

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  22. I love making and eating kebabs because I can add the meat and veg I love most then dip them in something tasty!

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  23. Fab prize! Would love to win this for my little boy x

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  24. Simple for me! Nothing tastier than a burger in a bun with salad, ketchup little bit of cheese! In fact that’s what I’m having tonight! Enjoy the sun all!!

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  25. Veggie burgers

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  26. baked bananas cooked in their skins on the BBQ

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  27. Piri piri pork steaks

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  28. Spicy chicken on skewers

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  29. Hotdogs with plenty of onions. yum

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  30. home made cheese burgers

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  31. Homemade burgers ????????????????????????????

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  32. BBQ Red Peppers and Red Onions veggie burgers

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  33. I love steak on a barbecue

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  34. Marshmallows. They have to be got out!

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  35. Love burgers and sausages xx

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  36. My favourite BBQ food is Basil, Halloumi and Roasted Vegetable Skewers (I’m a vegetarian!) x

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    • Halloumi kebabs with king prawns and corn on the cobs..yummy

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  37. Grilled fish and lots of veggies!

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  38. Peri peri chicken drumsticks

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  39. I love kebabs, particularly fish kebabs with lots of courgette and peppers.

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  40. Home made kebabs & especially fruit kebabs what the kids love making :)

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  41. Veggie sausages with ketchup! Yum!

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  42. Corn on the cob! Yummy

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  43. BBQ chicken for me

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  44. I love the flavour of barbequed chicken – yummy!

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  45. I love grilled hallooooumi and corn on the cob and lemon zesty chicken.

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  46. Hotdogs with pork and apple sausages x

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  47. Halloumi and vegetable kebabs

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  48. You can’t beat a good kebab, especially lamb skewers, mmmm.

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  49. Love Steak and Juicy King Prawns marinated in garlic and lemon yummy

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  50. I love sticky chicken wings :-)

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  51. although I won’t turn anything down I do love a nice rare steak!!

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  52. Salmon in garlic butter

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  53. Burgers with lots of onions!

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  54. I love salmon on the BBQ!

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  55. I love corn on the cob done on the BBQ yummy!!!

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  56. a good old cheese burger

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  57. Got to be chicken drumstick with a lovely mixed rocket salad

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  58. Corn on the cob is definitely the loveliest BBQ food :-)

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  59. I always go for chilli marinated chicken kebabs – lovely!

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  60. I love corn on the cob or barbecue ribs

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  61. My favourite barbecue food are sausages.

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  62. I would go for the ribs or good old juicy burgers first =)

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  63. I love to barbie some juicy salmon with some chilli sauce drizzled on top

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  64. Cheeseburger topped with BBQ pulled pork mmmmm

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  65. I love halloumi and bacon and also homemade chilli burgers

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  66. Salmon with soy, lime and ginger

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  67. I love doing kebabs, big chunks of marinaded meat lots of veg like peppers onions and then a bowl of raita and some salad to go with

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  68. A really high quality sausage all caramelised on the outside from the bbq and lushious on the inside, mmm¬

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  69. I love King Prawn Kebabs!

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  70. Has to be barbecued chicken in a chinese glaze, with a soft roll.

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  71. Marshmallows and Strawberries!!! Yummy

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  72. You can’t beat a good old burger, loaded with cheese, salad and sauce. mmmm

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  73. I adore bbq’d chicken!!

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  74. Oooh defnitely the salmon, love making salmon tian this time of year!

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  75. Loving lamb steaks.

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  76. Homemade Turkey and Apple burgers

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  77. Pulled pork with sticky bbq sauce in a soft white roll!

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  78. Simple burger – with alllll the trimmings!!

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  79. Thai Chicken skewers

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    • chicken marinated in honey and mustard for me!

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    • You just can’t beat sausages

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  80. im just simple i love hot dogs there my fave’s :)

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  81. Beef kebabs marinated in oyster sauce

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  82. Piri Piri chicken

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  83. Steak and pepper skewers are my BBQ favourite

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  84. love a cheeseburger with onions in

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  85. I’m not very adventurous – just chicken, burgers & sausage for me.

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  86. Salmon tikka kebabs

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  87. salmon is my favourite

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  88. I am defo a Chickenn person when it comes to the BBQ

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  89. Prawns with chilli and garlic

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  90. Chicken… but well-cooked please!!!

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  91. Chicken in a nice spicey piri piri marinade :)

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  92. Chicken & pepper kebabs

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  93. Burgers taste the best when barbecued.

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  94. irish mint beefburgers

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  95. a burger with a cheese slice and tomato sauce for me please

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  96. Burger with relish and onions

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  97. I like chinese flavoured chicken

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  98. A hotdog with plenty of fried onions!

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  99. sausage, with onions, cheese and BBQ sauce!

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  100. Burgers always go down well here :)

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  101. Pan fried chilli prawns

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  102. Can’t beat a hot dog!

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  103. Chicken skewers with peppers & red onion.

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  104. I play it safe and stick with burgers!

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  105. Chicken Drumsticks all the way :)

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  106. Potato salad, chicken kebabs and toasted thins.

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  107. I’m easily pleased! A hot dog and burger will do me :D

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  108. Either veggie burgers or corn on the cob.

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  109. Seasoned steak xx

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  110. Traditional burgers are best !

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  111. Nothing beats a juicy burger with salad and spicy sauce x

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  112. Lamb and mint sausages

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  113. I am a simple burger person :)

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  114. If it fits in a bap, I’m open to mostly anything…especially if it’s at a friend’s BBQ :)

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  115. i love sweet and sour pork loins yummy

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    • Thick juicy burgers.

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  116. Burgers and sausages – I am easy pleased!

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  117. I love bananas with choc chips pushed into them wrapped in foil and put on the bbq

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  118. Lamb kebab skewers

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  119. I love Pork Ribs or Chicken

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  120. I do like a really good quality burger, with cheese & fried onions – just realised I’m hungry now! :)

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  121. cant beat well done chicken….. summer is here xx

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  122. Vegetable kebab and veggie burger in a bun

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  123. Satay chicken skewers with onion and peppers

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  124. Love barbecued spare ribs!

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  125. I love sweet chilli chicken kebabs when I do a BBQ :)

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  126. Love hot & spicy chicken wings!

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  127. Veggie Kebabs

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  128. Love the old sausages, but favourite this year is corn on the cob.

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  129. A nice bit of steak with peppers and onion

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  130. A Corn cob is delicious with BBQ bananas for dessert.

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  131. Home made chicken skewers

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  132. sweet chilli chicken

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  133. homemade pork skewers with mushroom, peppers, onion and tomato. And for pudding bbq pineapple for me and the kids have bbq marshmallows

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  134. Lamb Kebabs on skewers with bbq’d pepper :-)

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  135. I love a bit of steak with mushrooms etc x

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  136. Sausages and fried onions

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  137. Prawns and kebabs on the barbie :)

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  138. Its got to be some pork belly smothered in a spicy marinade with some char grilled corn on the side

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  139. Home made kebabs simply lovely and everyone gets to choose what they like

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  140. it’s got to be burgers with red onion chutney

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  141. I love Pork Robs all smothered in sticky honey and spices mmmmmmm yummy

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  142. rainbow trout with lemon wrapped in tin foil

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  143. Good old fashioned cheese burger with lots of salad!!

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  144. I love a BBQ salad. They taste so much better when you eat one outside with a glass or 3 of wine!

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  145. nice thick burgers cooked late on when the coals are dying down a bit so the fat drips on the coals and keeps them cooking slowly yum yum xx

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  146. Sausage in a bun, with a hint of smoky charcoal. cant beat it with a blob of red sauce x

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  147. I’m partial to a home made smoked hazelnut burger – really tasty with cheese and jalapenos

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  148. I love a juicy Sirloin Steak.

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  149. A good old burger and fried onions yummy

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  150. Chargrilled chicken or steak

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  151. Minted lamb chops Yum!! :)

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  152. A good quality burger & crusty bap

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  153. Sausages, especially spicy ones!

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  154. Veggie Kebabs are yummy

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  155. I LOVE all BBQ food, but you can’t beat a big ol burger can you? x

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  156. Burgers are best, in my opinion anyway :-)

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  157. I like chicken or vegetable kebabs. Also halloumi!

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    • Sweet and savoury kebabs

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  158. Peri Peri Chicken! MmM! :)

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  159. Chicken & veggie kebabs

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  160. My favorite things are chicken and vegetable kebabs – yum!

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  161. can’t beat a simple good quality burger :-)

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  162. Defo chicken kebabs and burgers :) xx

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  163. King prawns on the bbq are amazing! I also love chicken tikka kebabs. ooooh yummy! :)

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  164. Minted lamb is the best ever!

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  165. I love to make homemade lamb burgers, served with Greek salad and pitta breads yum :)

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  166. I love sticky BBQ ribs yummy

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  167. Sausages. Or burgers. Keep it simple.

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  168. Barbecued Greek lamb with tzatziki :)

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  169. king prawn kebabs

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  170. I love bbq flavoured chicken legs

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  171. I recently discovered the Hairy Biker’s Pulled Pork and it’s become a firm favourite in our house already!

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  172. I’m all about the burgers and chips, with a salad on the side. Chicken legs are good too :)

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  173. I love mushrooms cooked on the BBQ

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  174. Can’t beat a cheeseburger! Yum

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  175. Love a good old fashioned burger x

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  176. Just the simple things for me, Burgers or Sausages in a roll :D

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  177. Jacket potatoes cooked in foil.

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  178. Burger

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  179. Beef Ribs! It isn’t so popular her, but I grew up in Texas and were big beef people!

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  180. My favourite is ribs

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  181. cant beat sweet chilli chicken skewers my kids love them to :)

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  182. Chicken and pineapple skewers

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  183. has to be burgers!

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  184. chicken marinated in reggae reggae sauce

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  185. Chicken tikka kebabs

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  186. I do like a simple burger, or sausage, for me it’s all about lots of salad and sides.

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  188. I love a veggie sausage or veggie burger in a roll with feta salad.

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  189. plain old sausages for me

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  190. My favourite BBQ food is a good classic cheese burger or some BBQ ribs :) mmmm

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  191. I’m veggie so BBQs don’t appeal to me anymore but I’ll go for a stuffed mushroom.

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  192. Veggie burgers .x

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  193. I love a big fat cheeseburger with bacon and onion rings – yum!

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  194. Im a grilled halloumi kind of person :)

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  195. I like going to the I laws as they put on a fancy BBQ and I love the steak they cook, otherwise it’s ribs or lamb burgers here

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  196. Rib eye steak or any steak

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  197. It’s got to be steak for us.

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  198. I love Holloumi cheese!! Can’t quite spell it though!

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  199. Hot dogs with loads of fried onions.

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  200. Chicken burger with BBQ sauce & mango juice for me!

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  201. I like homemade lamb kebabs with onion mushrooms and peppers.yum

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  202. Pulled pork burgers

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  203. Good ole Juicy Burger!

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  204. Grilled vegetables.

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  205. Either Mackerel or bananas wrapped in bacon

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  206. I like ribs, but find them messy to eat in public. So, I go for a burger or sausage .. I know, shy, wimp!

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  207. Sorry to be boring but I am a burger and hotdog person

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  208. Veggie kebabs :)

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  209. I love an Aberdeen Angus Burger, yum

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  210. Just plain Burgers for me xx

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  211. Burgers or hotdogs :)

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  212. BBQ’d banana beats all the barbeque mains for me!

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  213. Pulled Pork in a burger bun!

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  214. I love a nice burger but my husband is a lot more fancy. He laughs at my love for burgers but isn’t that what burgers are FOR?! ;)

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  215. A big juicy burger!

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  216. Burger with goats cheese and rocket

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  217. Gotta be hot and spicy chicken wings for me!

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  218. Freshly caught Mackerel cooked on the Barbie is Yummy! (as long as the other half catches some!)

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  219. Love a wee burger xx

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  220. Any burnt meat ;)

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  221. sticky barbecue ribs

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  222. cant beat a good burger

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  223. i love a good old fashioned sausage with onions and ketchup (in a roll of course)

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  224. I love langoustines or large shrimps if the budget permits :-)

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  225. Burger with new potatoes sliced up on top, odd I know.

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  226. Bbq Ribs and my homemade Coleslaw!

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  227. Oh I love my BBQ – love vegetable kebabs but they have to come with some foil wrapped potatoes

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  228. sausages and burgers

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  229. My favourite is cheeseburger, but my doctor says salmon!

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  230. A nice burger with lettuce and relish

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  231. I love a good old sausage :)

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  232. Nothing quite like a sausage in a roll with lashings of onions!

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  233. Barbequed bananas with extra thick double cream and golden syrup….oh my gosh they are amazing and I don’t even like bananas normally!!! :-D

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  234. Chicken kebabs – chicken, peppers, onion, tomatoes. Yum

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  235. I’m not posh a tasty burger will do me :-)

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  236. Oooh I love a chicken kebab, with fresh lemon juice squeezed on top :)

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  237. i like hot dogs

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  238. I love Halloumi on the BBQ

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  239. A kebab packed with lots of lovely vegetables

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  240. I love BBQRibs,burgers,i’m not fond of salmon so i’m afraid that’s off the menu :) x

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  241. I love a burnt sausage

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  242. Big Fat and juicy BBQ ribs Mmmmm…. Followed by a BBQ banana with caramel sauce (double yum)! :)

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  243. Burger but I can be tempted by a chicked breast

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  244. I love steak cooked on the BBQ its gorge

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  245. Corn on the cob is my favourite b b q food :)

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  246. We are vegetarians so it has to be be a veggie burger for us.

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  247. has to be a hot with onions and tomato sauce Mmm

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  248. I am happy with a nice steak :)

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  249. Chicken burgers! Yum

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  250. Veggie kebabs

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  251. Chicken burgers

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  252. Home BBQ ribs sweetcorn with homemade slaw and salad from our garden

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  253. Homemade BBQ sauce ribs homemade slaw and salad grown in our garden

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  254. Plain old burger for me!

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  255. Sausages for me!

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  256. I like chicken – I’m not a burger or sausage fan!

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  257. chicken burgers :D

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  258. Maple belly pork….yummy!

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  259. Chicken kebab skewers with pepper and onion

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  260. I love home made burgers, sausages and chicken and lots of salad to go with them.

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  261. Ooh has to be garlic king prawns!! :D

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  262. I’m a veggie so any veg that can be barbecued, I love corn on the cob especially, and quorn burgers and sausages!

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  263. Burger person with mayo or ketchup

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  264. I love the polish sausages which my sister-in-law cooks on the bbq.

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  265. Chicken breast for me :)

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  266. It has to be a burger! Will cheese and lettuce and tomato! Can’t beat it on a bbq!

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  267. Chilli-marinated king prawn skewers. Yum!

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  268. Chicken & chorizo kebabs

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  269. Chicken burgers every time!

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