10 Days of #FunAt40 with ELC – No.2 is a Build & Play Sandbox

It’s Day 2 of our ELC Fun at 40 campaign, and today’s prize is the properly clever Build & Play Sandbox. ELCfunat40Day2

This unique stackable sandbox allows you to put together your own sand pit! There are eight easy-to-connect pieces that form a round pit, which can be placed on the included ground mat and filled with play sand (available in store separately). The wall of the pit is also designed with a shallow moat that can be filled with water: perfect for sailing the little boat around your little island! The Build and Play sandbox includes sand and water accessories to play with, including a sand castle bucket, spade and moulds.

This is why we love this sandpit – the biggest problem with garden toys is having room for them all year round, sin’t it? But look how clever this one is; it all fits into one bag!

Screen Shot 2014-06-13 at 12.20.41

So how to win the utterly brilliant Build & Play Sandbox? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Lemonade with a bit of squash or fresh berries in the mix :)

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  2. Frozen strawberry daiquiri. :-)

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  3. Home made lemonade on a school day and Pimms at the weekend :)

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  4. Apple and blackcurrant squash!

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  5. Apple and blackcurrant juice and pimms for a BBQ!

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  6. Elderflower cordial with fizzy water and lots of ice! :D

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  7. Alcohol based Malibu with Pineapple Juice

    Home Made would be mango, pineapple and lemonade slushies

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  8. Fresh orange juice is nice on a hot day :)

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  9. Fresh juice with ice! So refreshing

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  10. Home made lemonade

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  11. fresh squeezed orange juice

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  12. Got to be fresh orange juice .x

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  13. Slush puppies!!

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  14. Fresh apple juice for the children and Pimms with lemonade and lots of ice and fruit for the grown ups

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  15. Homemade ‘lemonade’ like my Grandma used to make, served over lots of ice

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  16. Chilled orange and lemonade :)

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  17. Real lemonade with lots of ice.

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  18. lemon & lime with lots of ice, really refreshing

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  19. Non alcoholic would be Ice Cold Coke

    Alcoholic would be Strawberry & lime Kopparberg over ice (perfect).

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  20. Homemade cranberry, raspberry and strawberry smoothies. Cold, refreshing, healthy and delicious ????

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  21. I love a jug of pineapple juice and lemonade on a hot day :)

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  22. cold water straight from the tap

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  23. lemonade with lots of ice x

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  24. lemonade with a scoop of ice cream put in it :)

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  25. Homemade Lemonade :-)

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  26. Freshly made Pink lemonade

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  27. Home made lemonade, my daughter first tried it on holiday and love it so I’ve had a go at making my own and it goes down very well x

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  28. We have “pink pop” AKA grapefruit cordial on a hot summers day x

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  29. Traditional lemonade with a strawberry from the garden in it

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  30. Cloudy lemonade!

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  31. Nothing better than a nice cold glass of water!

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  32. A nice chilled glass of water with ice.

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  33. Fruit smoothie with lots of ice.

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  34. Iced orange and pineapple juice is just the job x

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  35. A big jug of squash with lots of ice

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  36. I would make a jug of my homemade lime and soda. With none of that nasty cordial. Just light, zesty, zingy freshness in a jug…mmmm….

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  37. Fresh lemonade – quick to whizz up in the blender

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  38. A cool jug of fresh Sangria, swimming with fruit !

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  39. Home made lemonade with mint – it’s so yummy and refreshing!

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  40. An ice cold jug of lemon and lime x

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  41. Slush puppies. We all love them in my house.

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  42. lemon and lime with cold water and ice

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  43. Orange and lemonade for the kids, Sangria or Pimms for the adults xx

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  44. Cloudy lemonade. X

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  45. Definetely a big jug of Pimms packed with strawberrys, cucumber and mint :D

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  46. My favourite cold drink on a hot summers day, is a long glass filled with lime cordial and tonic water, with tons of ice and slices of lime ~ perfectly refreshing x

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  47. Homemeade elderflower cordial with fizzy water, lots of ice and poured over strawberries.

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  48. Lemon, lime & bitters :)

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  49. Always squash on a hot day so my little ones can help themselves xx

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  50. Sangria for the adults, lemonade for the kids!!

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  51. Red Grape Shloer with ice

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  52. A nice big jug of cloudy lemonade…With lots of ice!

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  53. Alcholic one would be Koppaberg mixed fruits or non alcholic one lemon and lime :)

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  54. Big jug of fruity Pimms

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  55. My favourite drink is fresh orange juice.

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  56. We love apple juice and apple squash here.

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  57. I would make a large jug of ice cold fresh Pineapple juice

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  58. A glass of Pimms and lemonade :) xx

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  59. I love a watermelon crush!

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  60. home made lemonade with twist of lime, lovely.

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  61. My favourite drink would be cloudy lemonade & ice cubes x

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  62. Fanta orange (diet)!

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  63. Lemon Iced Tea for me. Lovely and refreshing and just the thing on a hot summers day. Here’s hoping we get one. :)

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  64. Fiery ginger beer with loads of ice

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  65. Jugs of summer cocktails for the adults so we can pretend we are on holiday; mojitos, piña colada and some mocktails for the kids..bring on the sunshine ??

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  66. A nice jug of ice cold cloudy lemonade :-)

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  67. I love a nice cold Stella , but if playing in the garden with my son it’s just got to be a cold diet coke

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  68. A lovely glass of coke. YUmmy

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  69. Elderflower cordial- the most refreshing drink ever.

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  70. Home made pink lemonade with a bit of a kick!

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  71. For the adults a lovely jug of pimms and so the children didn’t feel left out I would make a similar drink but substitute the pimms for strawberry cordial and lemonade could be substituted with water, I would add in strawberries, apples and ice.

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  72. nice big jug of pimms

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  73. I love a diet coke with ice and lemon, or a Pimms :) x

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  74. i make a fruit juice punch for kids, a jug with lots of ice, fresh orange juice, pineapple juice, cranberry, chopped fresh strawberries, apples & melon topped with lemonade x

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  75. Lemon and lime bitters with ice.

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  76. Snowball so refreshing

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  77. Lime and soda water is so refreshing on hot days :)

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  78. Cream Soda with a scoop of ice-cream.

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  79. Lemonade & ice cream float x

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  80. Chocolate milkshake

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  81. Ribena and soda water

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  82. Lemonade with ice and Lemon

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  83. Homemade Lemonade

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  84. raspeberry and cloudy lemonade

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  85. I do like a lovely jug of sangria on a warm day. This is probably harking back to my days going to Magalluf on holiday, dancing the night away at the BCM and then sleeping off the hangover on the beach followed by a cold glass of sangria and some chips from Wimpy!! With two small babies it’s more likely to be a glass of fizzy water nowadays but the desire is still there…

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  86. My favourite cold drink is Watermelon and Strawberry crush, very refreshing on those hot summer days!!

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  87. Pimms with friends :-)

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  88. we love a nice ice cold glad of homemade apple or orange juice

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  89. Real lemonade with lemon and lime slices

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  90. Anything with ice and lemon

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  91. Proper lemonade, sweet and sharp with loads of crushed ice.

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    • Ice cold water with just a dash of lemon or lime.

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    • My favourite summer drink is freshly squeezed orange juice in a jug and topped off with lemonade and loads of ice and garnished with lemon slices :)

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    • I would make a big jug of Robinson’s Orange barley water with lots of ice. It reminds me of summer days that I used to spend with my lovely Nan and Grandad. I have tried to carry on the tradition with my Nieces and Nephew.

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  92. Elderflower Cordial.

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  93. I love a banana and strawberry smoothie with a blob of icecream mmmmmmm

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  94. cloudy lemonade with ice and a slice!

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  95. Iced Tea with lots of strawberries and lime mmm!

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  96. Ice Cold Water with Ice

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  97. Lemonade with loads of ice:D

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  98. Ice cold water with mint leaves. Yummmmm :)

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  99. Home-made lemonade x

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  100. Orange juice and lemonade :-)

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  101. a fruity cocktail with white rum for the adults

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  102. Pimms and Lemonade!! :)

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  103. Homemade Lemonade :)

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  104. I like a big jug of Orange Squash with ice cubes or Water as everybody likes those.

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  105. water is the healthiest one :)

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  106. I love lemonade or a cold drink of beer.

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  107. fresh Aplle Juice works for me everytime x

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  108. The kids love iced Ribena when its hot – I prefer some Pimms myself!

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  109. my fav drink in the summer has to be water that has been put in the freezer so it has a thin ice in it :D

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  110. homemade cloudy lemonade

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  111. A lovely jug of ribena :)

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  112. we love ice cream coke floats in our house, diet coke with a scoop of vanilla ice cream – YUMMY!!!!

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  113. big jug of Pimms with lemonade

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  114. A nice cold can of Thatchers Gold! :P

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  115. A big jug of Pimms and lemonade for me, and cloudy lemonade for the boys. With stripy rainbow straws, and plenty of ice and lemon. Delicious!

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  116. Scotsmans Smoothie – chilled Irn Bru, with Rizzas Iron Brew ice cream and lots of ice!

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  117. I’m pregnant at the moment so nothing exciting for me but just a big jug of squash to share with the children would do me fine!

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  118. A white wine spritzer

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  119. Some homemade lemonade

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  120. lemonade and ginger beer mixed

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  121. Pimms and Lemonade for me or failing that some nice cold cider. :)

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  122. A jug of Prosecco sounds a bit wrong but Prosecco is my fave!

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  123. Home made Lemonade with lots of ice

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  124. There’s nothing better than an ice cold Coca Cola

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  125. Definitely ice cold strawberry milkshake made with ice-cream! Lovely on a hot afternoon!

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  126. A big jug of fresh lemonade :-)

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  127. I would make a big jug of pimms with fruit for the adults and a bi jug of orange juice filled with fruit for the kids x

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  128. Well if sharing with the boys, we make a jug of lemonade, a bit of elderflower cordial then add fruit (strawberries, slices of orange, apple) and make what we call “Baby Pimms”. If it’s just for me and hubby, Pimms all the way. :)

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  129. Cloudy lemonade or sangria for an evening

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  130. Love ice cold fresh pineapple juice! My little hero also loves it too but has to be drunk with a curly twirly straw :0)

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  131. Thanks for the chance to win, great prize x

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  132. Freshly made pure orange juice with ice. :)

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  133. blackcurrent and lime with loads of ice

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  134. Orange squash! We love it and keeps us super cool

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  135. Lemonade, classic and simple but seriously tasty :)

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  136. Sangria but non-alcoholic as children about.

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  137. I just love a glass of water but it has to be chilled. Always have some in the fridge on stand-by if its going to be a hot day :)

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  138. Love a bit of blackcurrant cordial with ice :)

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  139. My fave is home made lemonade with sprigs of garden chocolate mint and crushed ice. Kids love it.

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  140. A big jug of lemonade

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  141. Remember a snowball- advocaat and lemonade, lovely summer drink

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  142. When there’s no children around then Pimms would be my choice but when the kids are involved homemade Lemonade with lots of ice usually hits the spot.

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  143. A strawberry smoothie. Goes down well xxx

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  144. Lemonade..cool & refreshing

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  145. ginger beer @garywasabi

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  146. Either a shandy or an ice cold water with fresh lemon :-)

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  147. freshly squeezed orange :)

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  148. Sangria por favor! :D

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  149. Fresh pineapple juice with ice

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  150. A big jug of ice cold elderflower cordial drink!

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  151. An ice cold bottle of water

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  152. Home made lemonade or if the little aren’t with me then, a Mojito.

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  153. Strawberry and lime cider

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  154. Would have to be ginger beer with loads of ice and lemon in a big jug for me!

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  155. Diet coke with lots of ice and lemon :)

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  156. Chocolate milkshake made with ice cream….yummy!

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  157. Lime and lemonade with lots of ice

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  158. homemade lemonade – even if its horrible – still tastes nice because you made it yourself

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  159. Elderflower cordial in sparkling water

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  160. If I’m not in charge of the little ones, it would have to be a big jug of cool white wine. If they are there, substitute that for homemade strawberry squash.

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  161. Traditional lemonade with loads of ice!

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  162. A large jug of strawberry daquiri ????

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  163. My favourite summer drink is Lime cordial and sparkling mineral water, so refreshing

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  164. ICE TEA – peach :)

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  165. Lemonade with fresh forrest fruits floating in it.

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  166. Orange juice and lemonade! Lovely and refreshing!

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  167. a nice jug of pimms

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  168. Pink lemonade =) or an ice cold pear cider!

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  169. Lemonade with lots of ice :)

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  170. Pimms, lemonade, fruit and ice

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  171. I’d make a big jug of sparkling elderflower water with fresh mint, strawberries and lemons in the jug & plenty of ice!

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  172. Ice cold home made cloudy lemonade

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  173. A white wine and lemonade loads of ice.

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  174. fresh orange and 7up

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  175. fresh orange and 7up

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  176. lemonade with a few squeezes of lime

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  177. Home made lemon and mint fizz

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  178. Sangria if its a weekend, otherwise blackcurrant & lemonade

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  179. Homemade lemonade made with the kids.

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  180. An ice cream float, made with American Cream Soda and Mackies Ice Cream nom nom :D

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  181. A lovely cold jug of homemade lemonade

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  182. fresh homemade lemonade

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  183. Pimms with strawberries and fresh mint from the garden

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  184. Love to make it mojito but might stop me watching the kids so I’ll go for good old lemon barley water :)

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  185. cold coffee with icecream

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  186. orange, lemonade and ice

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  187. Cloudy lemonade with ice, very refreshing

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  188. Disaronno and coke :)

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  189. Mmm a mojito is so refreshing on a hot day :)

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  190. Ice cold Coco-Cola with lemons :D

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  191. Lime and Lemonade with slices of fresh lime and lemon

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  192. ice cold coke a cola

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  193. Ice cold Sarsprilla

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  194. I love root beer with lots of ice :-)!

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  195. Homemade Elderflower cordial,with lemon juice, soda water and ice.Very refreshing.

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  196. I love lemonade with lots of ice

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  197. Proper lemonade, the cloudy lemony kind. I love that stuff!

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  198. fresh orange and lemonade :)

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  199. I love a bottle of Crabbies on a summer’s afternoon!

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  200. Elderflower Cordial

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  201. Lemon and lime with ice (Maybe with a hint of Vodka!)

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  202. fanta lemon! has to be ice cold though

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  203. i love a nice glass of sex on the beach cocktail :)

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  204. Magners and a big jug of mojitos if I have people round.

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  205. definitely a bigggg jug of mojito! :D

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  206. Home made lemonade with ice and a slice :)

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  207. Definitely Pimms…………hic!

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  208. Mocktails, resfreshing fruity fizzy fun safe and enjoyable for everyone! But all drinks with little umbrellas in are summer fun! Lol

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  209. cloudy lemonade with slices of lemon & tonnes of ice

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  210. Tough call, but Pimms just pips homemade lemonade!!

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  211. I would make a HUGE jug of lime cordial and lemonade with loads of ice. I can share it with my 2 year old and being pregnant with number 2 it’s no alcohol for me!

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  212. Icy cold lemonade!

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  213. Strawberry and Banana Milkshake! :D

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  214. Traditional cloudy lemonade…delicious!

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  215. some ice cold cola :)

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  216. I love pineapple and coconut juice

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  217. A big jug of apple juice

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  218. Iced water, or lemon barley

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  219. A big jug of traditional lemonade :-)

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  220. A large jug of Diet Irn Bru filled with ice xx

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  221. Fruity, icey non alcholic cocktails

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  222. Freshly squeezed orange juice x

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  223. Jeeves (a copy of pimms) with lemonade, add some vodka as well

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  224. I love a pint of shandy on a hot day! Lip smackingly refreshing!!!!!

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  225. Got to be Cold Cider while I’m gardening and listening to cricket :)

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  226. It’ll be a cold glass of champagne this summer as I’m having a baby next week so will treat myself after a long hiatus away from the bubbles!

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  227. Its got to be a Spanish Summer Sizzler gorgeous fruity sangria with lovely fruity pieces of orange and lemon

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  228. I love chilled coconut water & pineapple juice in a pitcher, with plenty of ice

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  229. nice ice cold cloudy lemonade x

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  230. Cherryade with loads of ice :)

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  231. A nice jug of fruity sangria

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  232. Homemade Lemonade with lemony bits :)

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  233. I would love some cloudy lemonade

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  234. it’s got to be ginger beer

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  235. lemonade with a scoop of ice cream yummmy

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  236. A big jug of ice cold homemade lemonade

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  237. a cool glass of pimms

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  238. Lemonade! With ice and lemon! Every time ??????

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  239. pims or homemade lemonade

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  240. I love a Pimms on a summers day – yum

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  241. Sparkling water with loads of lemon slices and ice cubes.

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  242. Lebanese Lemonade EJD

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  243. Orange juice with fizzy water

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  244. Appletiser :)

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  245. Home made orange orange juice made made with fresh oranges.

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  246. I’m a dedicated Pepsi Max drinker!

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  247. Cloudy lemonade with lots of ice.

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  248. Orange and Lemonade, my grandad used to make it, it’s delicious :)

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  249. got to be a big jug of mojito :0 yummy!!

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  250. I love a big jug of PImms so in my jug it’s more fruit than liquid lol.

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  251. pimms with strawberries, cucumber and mint x

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  252. diet coke and bitter lemon

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  253. Home made leomonade

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    • Homemade elderberry wine x

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  254. Robinsons ( I’m I allowed to say that)Orange and Pineapple no added sugar squash, simple but I love it.

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  255. A big jug of home made lemonade

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  256. Home made lemonade

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  257. Freshly squeezed lemonade

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  258. Lemon and elderflower cordial

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  259. Pimms and Lemonade

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  260. I’ve cold Brita filtered water

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  261. It would be a big jug of pimms punch for me

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  262. Pimms & lemonade – Lovely!

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  263. Ordinarily I would say a lovely Malibu & coke or g&t on a hot summers eve once the kids are in bed, but I am very pregnant at the moment so it would probably an alcohol free cocktail (I’m thinking orange juice, mango juice, lemonade …) Or as I’m so hot anything with ice!!

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  264. Long cool glass of Strawberry Gin

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  265. Lots of water! A bit boring but I can enjoy the sun without it

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  266. Ameretto and diet coke

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  267. Rock’s blackcurrant cordial made with iced water.

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  268. fizzy vimto with ice cubes

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  269. Pineapple juice and lemonade

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  270. pimms and lemonade

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  271. apple and blackcurrant slush

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  272. I love a jug of Pimms and Lemonade with fresh Strawberries and mint thrown in and lots and lots of ice :)

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  273. Has to be Pimms the ultimate summer drink

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  274. Call me strange, but I still love to relax with a cup of coffee!

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  275. I can’t get enough of Lemonade.

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  276. Nice cold glass of coke with loads of ice

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  277. Daytime, homemade lemonade, evening a large jug of vodka, cranberry and lemonade!

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  278. Pimms and lemonade

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  279. Has to be homemade lemonade.

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  280. Pimms and lemonade, did you really need to ask!!

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  281. Sparkling Elderflower

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  282. What a wonderful prize, fingers crossed I can win one for my 2 little boys x

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  283. Fresh lime and soda.

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  284. Definitely homemade lemonade x

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  285. Would have to be Pimms Dahling!!

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  286. Cheries and Beries fruit cordial tastes lovely with loads of ice cubes to cool you down

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  287. Home made elderflower juice

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  288. Fresh Orange Juice

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  289. Lemonade with fruity ice cubes :)

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  290. favorite drink to relax on warm summer night is a fruity cider

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  291. Got to be Pimm’s – with strawberries, lemon, orange, mint, lemonade and lots of ice! Mmmmm.

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  292. Cloudy lemonade

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  293. Traditional lemonade with loads of ice, or a white wine spritzer or 2 (if I’m not in sole charge of the kids!)

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  294. A big jug of homemade lemonade with loads of ice!

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  295. cloudy lemonade

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  296. A jug of Sangria is lovely, always reminds me of being on holiday ~ nothing better on a warm day :)

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  297. Cloudy lemonade

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