Money off every time you eat out? Sure, here y’go. |  tastecard

Money off every time you eat out? Sure, here y’go. | tastecard

Pull up a chair – you’re about to make bestie best friends with tastecard. With lockdowns and restrictions now feeling like another land, there has been a massive increase in the volume of people dining out since the start of 2022; foodies have rushed back out to all their favourite spots. But it looks like lockdown has expanded our food tastes (you can see how COVID affected our eating here) – apparently searches for...

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Lost Your Job? Take These Steps to Find a New One Fast

Lost Your Job? Take These Steps to Find a New One Fast

If you’ve lost your job and need to find another one fast, there are a few steps you can take to boost your chances of success. Of course, updating your CV is a crucial step, but refreshing your LinkedIn profile and reaching out to a recruitment company can also be helpful in speeding up the process of finding a new job and getting hired. Prostock-studio Shutterstock 1. Refresh Your CV First, ensure that your CV is up to date with...

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Home Warranty Explained: Knowing Exactly What Is And Isn’t Covered

Home Warranty Explained: Knowing Exactly What Is And Isn’t Covered

A home warranty is a policy that covers the repair or replacement of many of the components in your home. It can be a great way to protect yourself from unexpected repair costs. However, it’s important to understand what is and isn’t covered by a home warranty policy. This blog post will explain the coverage of a typical home warranty policy. It will also discuss some of the limitations of these policies so that you can...

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The Top 5 Reasons to Purchase Boiler Insurance

The Top 5 Reasons to Purchase Boiler Insurance

Any home that has to deal with the cold months of the year needs a boiler. To survive the harsh winters, you must have a well-installed boiler in your home. Is this an unnecessary expense that requires service every few months? Essentials should not be sacrificed for financial reasons. Insurance can be purchased if you’re concerned about additional expenditures after the purchase. In this article, you can get more information...

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6 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Electric Car

6 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Electric Car

Whether you’re in the market for a new car or you’re simply thinking about making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV), there’s plenty of food for thought. With the increased taxes on petrol and diesel drivers and the imminent 2030 ban of new sales on its way, it may feel like time is not on your side.  But are EVs worth the hype? Is there enough infrastructure in place to cope with the growing demand? There’s a lot to consider...

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Is Dealing with debt a difficult experience?

Is Dealing with debt a difficult experience?

It can be incredibly frustrating to be in financial trouble with no visible way of getting out of it. Have you gotten to the point where your creditors are sending you threats in the form of letters and phone calls? Many people will face financial challenges at a certain point in their lives. Whether the crisis is driven by personal or family disease, job loss, or excessive expenditure, it can be stressful. But often, it can be...

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