Spotted! beautifullest nursery glider chair ever…

Oh. My. Gorgeous, no? I can imagine many dark night time hours spent curled under a rug in there feeding my new baby. And bedtimes with a pyjama-clad damp-haired toddler curled in my lap while we read tonight’s Mr Men book. Or seeing my 8yr old curled in it herself on a wet afternoon, reading (or more likely paying her DS…). If I haven’t stolen it for my own purposes by then of course…

The Mo-Ma Glider is from the truly wonderful OlliElla, and will set you back £925. But it’s SO worth it.

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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